Film Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

Don’t get me wrong, I love The Hunger Games series. However, I equally hate books being broken down into multiple movies. So as much as it pains me to say it, it comes as little surprise that on its own, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 just doesn’t get the job done.

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Film Review: The Hunger Games

A child crawls out of the forest, looking for help that will never come.  Instead he is skewered and beaten to death.  Because he didn’t have the conch.  Yep, that’s how Lord of the Flies worked.  Ok, so maybe not, but this was still a rather gruesome thing to read even as a high schooler.  […]

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Film Review: Like Crazy

The thing about romantic comedies is that they’re the safer bet when it comes to love stories.  On Valentine’s Day the sappiest girl is not going to put in something that ends tragically, they are going to put in something where it is pretty much a guarantee that the two will end up together; the […]

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Review: X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class is a great comic book film that is anchored by a fantastic cast and resets the X-Men universe in an era ripe for potential future films. The film opens up right where the franchise did, with Erik Lehnsherr being separated from his family at a Nazi concentration camp and ripping a fence […]

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